Flash Fiction Magazine
Daily Flash Fiction Stories

by Christine Twigg
Published November 19,2017

The ground wire in the bathroom had a fault. The west coast had a huge fault. “Faults are common,” she said to her reflection. “In comparison, yours really aren’t that big.”

She leaned in so close she could see more minor faults…

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Women. Writers.

Old Drum
by Christine Twigg
Published July 2017

His old drum rested against the battered leg of her 1960s pea green couch. It was the first time she had really looked at that couch in decades. From this close position, lying on the carpet and looking up, she could see the loose threads hanging and the sag of the springs. For a brief moment, her mind wondered how she could have ignored the ugliness of her furniture for so long, but that thought was quickly shuttered and she momentarily came back to her present sense of dread…

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